I had a bunch of insert from the last couple weeks stacked up, so I've been staying up late trying to get my binder put together and everything clipped and filed. I was feeling totally overwhelmed all week because they were taking over my table! Lots of movie nights on tv dinner trays in the living room! But I finally got it under control and as long as I keep it up (clip them & file them once a week) it shouldn't get too overwhelming.
I was thinking yesterday, why I am clipping all these for stuff I'll never buy! But I remembered, I've only been doing this a month and I want to really try it the way the pros do (even if I don't get to double). After this summer if it's not worth it, I can narrow it down to only the coupons I will really use. For now, I don't want to kick myself later because I could have bought something I can give away and get something I need with it free. Does that make sense? Seems like most coupons are good for 2-3 months out, so I'll keep it up for that long.
I feel like a weight has lifted now that I got my last coupon filed (this morning), for now! I just need to keep up a schedule to stay on top of it. I think every Sunday night or Monday I will clip and file. The first day of the month I will print coupons, and once a month I'll remove expired coupons and send them to the military.
This past Sunday we stopped by Savemart so my husband could get something to BBQ. Didn't have time to go home to get my coupons & I was thinking, "NO! I don't have them!" We bought a few things I knew I had coupons for & I cringed! I had to laugh at myself. What have I become?! We bought ice cream, too and then last night as I clipped, I found some coupons for ice cream. Darn it! Lol!
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